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- Файл:Monthly Retrospect of Politics (IA jstor-30072816).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)rejoice in victory, or sym-athise in defeat ? It is a combat oetween the LIONand( the TIGnR.The quiet inhabitants tremble, whatever be the issue of the...(975 × 1500 (1,05 МБ)) - 20:30, 31 октября 2021
- Файл:Opening Address of the President of Section F (Economic Science and Statistics), of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at the Thirty-Fourth Meeting, at Bath, in September, 1864 (IA jstor-2338609).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)teristicofman,whichdistinguishes himfromall hisfellowcreatures. The lionand theeaglepreyuponthefawnand thelamb,but do not breedthem;an#d eventhebusybee...(927 × 1366 (1,7 МБ)) - 12:48, 4 ноября 2022
- Файл:An Experimental Enquiry into the Mineral Elastic Spirit, or Air, Contained in Spa Water; As Well as into the Mephitic Qualities of This Spirit. By William Brownrigg, M. D. F. R. S. (IA jstor-105462).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)andpowerfulrly open-ingobIlruAions; of provoking theappetite,afl:l{ting the dige{lionand concoAionof the aliment,and facilitating all the naturalfecr-etions and...(758 × 1175 (3,27 МБ)) - 09:18, 8 августа 2023
- Файл:Old and new London - a narrative of its history, its people, and its places (IA b24875478 0006).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)of the Sisters of Mercy Jamaica Road — The Old “ Jamaica Tavern — The “Lionand Castle" — Cherry Garden — St. James’s Church— Traffic on the Railway near...(1060 × 1516 (75,15 МБ)) - 22:06, 18 июня 2024
- Файл:A Defence of the Reformed Catholicke of M. W. Perkins, lately deceased, against the bastard Counter-Catholicke of D. Bishop, Seminary Priest (IA defenceofreforme00abbo).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)deuotion,to be fee ouer the Seculars. The Seculars rcfufc to yecldhimfubii^lionand by appeale refer the matter to the Pope. Forthcprofecutmgof this appeale...(835 × 1120 (107,03 МБ)) - 05:00, 22 июня 2023
- Файл:A sketch of the character of Abraham Lincoln - a discourse preached in the Westminster Church, Providence, R.I., Thursday, June 1, 1865 (IA sketchofcharacte02wood).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)he had that State."' " something more."' Moreover, 1 chiini, that his lionand mind clarified iiis judgment, and increased the real administrative power...(1206 × 1670 (1,62 МБ)) - 18:03, 30 июня 2023
- Файл:Old and new London - a narrative of its history, its people, and its places (IA oldnewlondonnarr0006thor).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)Convent of the Sisters of Mercy—Jamaica Road—The Old “ Jamaica” Tavern—The “Lionand Castle’’—Cherry Garden—St. James’s Church—Traffic on the Railway near Bermondsey...(1222 × 1731 (82,96 МБ)) - 22:11, 18 июня 2024
- Файл:Ornithologist and oist (IA ornithologistois07pawt).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)feet in diameter. For some time it was a perplexing question to me as to lionand b)j what these holes were excavated. After careful investigation, I that...(1014 × 1525 (6,74 МБ)) - 07:31, 10 февраля 2023
- Файл:An imperative duty. A novel (IA imperativeduty00howerich).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)cities. It was not like Liverpool in a certain civic grandiosity, a sort of lionand-unicorn spectacularity which he had observed tin-re. The resemblance appeared...(708 × 1072 (7,45 МБ)) - 08:19, 9 августа 2023
- Файл:Old and New London, vol. 6.djvu (совпадает с содержимым файла)of the Sisters of Mercy Jamaica Road The Old " Jamaica " Tavern The "Lionand Castle "Cherry Garden St. James's Church-Traffic on the Railway near Bermondsey...(2564 × 4042 (58,7 МБ)) - 22:16, 18 июня 2024
- Файл:California Digital Library (IA topographyofgrea04cook).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)Green 23 /. F. Butterfeld, esq. Coldrey, W. Lee, esq. 27 Inns.— Bush, Lionand Lamb, The Castle, Bishop of Win- hart. L. Boundary of this County. Farnham...(500 × 829 (14,06 МБ)) - 09:12, 20 августа 2024
- Файл:Adevărul 1893-10-12, nr. 1665.pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)eliberaree. actulul pin'cO D;sa "nu ve da smile de '20 let pentru Patria... lionand. D. Brociner rluzind a se supune acestui jar nerusinat, i s'a reepuns...(2250 × 3256 (1,63 МБ)) - 18:54, 10 июля 2023
- Файл:Journal of the Society for Arts, Vol. 7, no. 359 (IA jstor-41334478).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)bytheBrentfordnow but second from andthird, were Gardens London, Gates, gate; bytheLionandUnicorn half-a-day's journey trains fromon theRichmond-road. The entrance...(1050 × 1500 (1,83 МБ)) - 01:35, 8 мая 2021
- Файл:An Essay upon the Causes of the Different Colours of People in Different Climates; By John Mitchell, M. D. Communicated to the Royal Society by Mr. Peter Collinson, F. R. S. (IA jstor-104437).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)pervadethe Epidermis)areni Dhly of the fimc Denfity writhit, fince all AccreLionand Nurrition is fronl fach Accordin",lywe tee} that when the Epidermzs s taken...(752 × 1133 (4,89 МБ)) - 09:05, 8 августа 2023
- Файл:Lecture delivered at the Brooklyn academy of music (IA lecturedelivered02butl).pdf (совпадает с содержимым файла)oppres^ion from the grasp of a as the glittering shield of Richard the LionAnd even now are ringing hearted when he dashed it in the face of the cru^hed...(789 × 1204 (2,37 МБ)) - 03:52, 9 декабря 2024
- famous char-acters of the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lionand something of several new creations equally delightful, includingTiktok—the...(1930 × 2568 (660 КБ)) - 14:32, 25 июня 2024
- lions passant. Onmoulded capitals above the pinnacles to the back legs a lionand unicorn are seated holding scrolls. The back of theChair is gabled, of...(1658 × 2256 (821 КБ)) - 16:56, 14 июня 2024
- ofour Lord whichgoes by the nameof le beau DieudAmiens. Hestands on a lionand a dragon, anda little below, oneach side appearthe basilisk andthe adder...(1256 × 1016 (233 КБ)) - 13:11, 25 ноября 2024
- not, as a rule, fought bythe men who declare it. The days when Coeur de Lionand the Black Prince headed their forces in the field,and sought trouble personally...(1950 × 1462 (940 КБ)) - 14:59, 29 июля 2024
- Faience, etc. WRITE DEPARTMENT FOR CATALOGUE Text Appearing After Image: The Lionand the Lamb To-day cold—to -morrow warm. Changeable March weather robbedof...(3283 × 4774 (1,69 МБ)) - 14:49, 2 апреля 2024