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Последнее сообщение: 10 лет назад от Atsirlin

Здравствуйте, Polyglot! Добро пожаловать в Викигид!

Чтобы облегчить Вам первые шаги в работе над нашим проектом, мы собрали в одном разделе ссылки на все важные правила. Обратите особое внимание на правило «Что заслуживает собственной статьи?», принципы географической иерархии и требования к структуре наших путеводителей.

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Hello! Welcome to Russian Wikivoyage! I am not sure what you are trying to do. If it is a test article, why would you try to translate the whole text? (your translation is awkward indeed and will require substantial editing). If you are interested in working on the content, would you try to translate from Russian into English? We have a lot of original and high-quality content that awaits translation into other languages. Finally, keep in mind that our mapping tools are slightly different from those on English Wikivoyage. We never used the {{marker}} template and introduced {{listing}} with the "format=poi" parameter instead. Neither we use Gpx stuff, because we do not have any well-developed itinerary articles yet.

You mentioned that you are working on OSM. Are you related to the Osmand project, or only to the OSM itself? --Alexander (обсуждение) 00:23, 27 мая 2014 (MSK)Ответить

I'm not entirely sure myself what I was trying to achieve :-) I've been learning Russian for a year now and I need to study for a test on Saturday. Studying languages from a book doesn't really work well for me, I should be able to travel around Russia for 2 months, then I'd be able to learn.
So, sorry for the lousy translation. I guess I'd better give up. I started out thinking saying go left, go right would be easier than it is in reality. Of course, there is more to an itinerary than giving instructions.
The technique I'm using is probably flawed as well. Type a sentence into Google translate and feed the result back into a reverse translation to see how it could be understood, then do that a few times until it seems like it could be correct. Not the best way to get natural sounding language... I agree.
I was considering to point a few friends to the Goulash I created in hopes they might correct it, so it magically becomes a beef Stroganoff :-) But then it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have an article in Russian about the topic.
Maybe it's best to delete it, or maybe I can move it to a draft area?
In OSM, I mostly contribute data. Bus stops, bus routes, bicycle and hiking itineraries, buildings, house numbers. I know OsmAnd and I use it, of course, but I'm not part of the development team.
In fact this itinerary 'Pad van Ad' through the forest south of Leuven has been my first attempt at doing something 'practical' with all the data I've been contributing over the past few years. Anyway, I'm hoping I'll be able to invite some Russian speaking people over to Leuven through the Couchsurfing project and guide them around a bit. --Polyglot (обсуждение) 00:57, 27 мая 2014 (MSK)Ответить
Now I understand. You are testing your language skills, not the markup. That's a delicate thing, because travel guides require advanced knowledge of the language. I have tried to write some guides in English, but the more I read them, the more I am unsatisfied about the result. I have no clue about a good way of studying Russian, but perhaps you should try it the other way around? Translate a Russian article into one of the languages that you are fluent in, get used to the structure of the sentence, and improve your vocabulary? Of course, personal communication is also great thing, so I wish you all the best with the Couchsurfing project!
Regarding the article you created, I hope that Yaroslav could check it. He knows a lot about this region and can decide whether we want to keep the article by improving its language, or move it into the drafts/sandbox for the time being.
Удачи с нашим трудным, великим и могучим! Спасибо, что заглянули на огонёк! Обращайтесь, если нужна будет информация по России и прилегающим странам. Приятно знать, что кому-то кроме нас всё это интересно! --Alexander (обсуждение) 01:37, 27 мая 2014 (MSK)Ответить
Hi Alexander, can you suggest a relatively short article which I could try to translate to English? Preferably on a topic in a Russian region. I'm not sure if that is actually easier. I'm starting to understand why there are 7 stages (years) to learning Russian, where I'm enrolled. I guess I haven't even reached the level of a 3 year old :-) --Polyglot (обсуждение) 02:12, 27 мая 2014 (MSK)Ответить
Как насчёт Дивногорья? Или, может быть, Азов? Подумайте также про Казань: там несколько статей, которые уже не назовёшь короткими, но сам по себе город очень интересен. Если поедете в Россию, то это одно из важнейших мест, наравне с Москвой и Петербургом. --Alexander (обсуждение) 09:44, 27 мая 2014 (MSK)Ответить
Certainly I can do it but not before I return home in next week. The translation requires some polishing indeed.--Ymblanter (обсуждение) 05:18, 27 мая 2014 (MSK)Ответить