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12  Городской информационно-туристический офисСтатья в ВикипедииЭлемент Викиданных, Aurakatu, 4.
1  Inn 22, Vanha Littoistentie 22.
2  M/S Rudolfina.
3  Föri city ferry.


4  Church of the Holy Cross (Pyhän ristin kirkko). Originally a Franciscan monastery, now a Lutheran church, built in the 15th century. Medieval wall and ceiling paintings.
5  Kirsti’s house, Pohjankatu 3.  +358 2 834 3529. A typical building in Old Rauma built in the 18th century. It presents the living conditions and life of the 19th and 20th century. Inhabitants have included sailors, bobbin lace makers, a blacksmith and a firefighter.
6  Tammela, Eteläpitkäkatu 17. Shows how an old, culturally significant log house is renovated and maintained.
7  The Observation tower. Also functioning as the city's water tower, has a beautiful manufactured waterfall on its grounds, and the view from the observation level cafe up on the water tower is likewise beautiful. Rauma souvenirs are sold at the water tower (as well as in the town centre). There is a small entrance fee.
8  Kiikartorni. A wooden tower overlooking the Syväraumanlahti bay with a Tourist Information Centre offering info about island cruises.
9  Old Town Hall, Valtakatu 7.  +358 2 838 74700. In the Center of Old Rauma, the Town Hall now hosts exhibitions of fine art, design, photography, architecture and environmental art.
10  Marela, Kauppakatu 24.  +358 2 834 3528. A beautiful museum presenting the home of a ship-owner from the turn of the 20th century, at the culmination of Rauma seafaring skill.
11  Kylmäpihlaja. Is an island with a lighthouse that operates as a hotel.
12  Kuuskajaskari. Was previously a military area and still has old 152-millimetre coastal artillery cannons.
13  The potter's workshop, Nummenkatu 12.  +358 2 533 5526. The workroom and home of a stove tile maker from the early 20th century.
1  Osteria da Filipo, Kauppakatu 20.
2  Lounaskahvila Hjalmar, Kuninkaankatu 6.
  • 3  Antalya Kebab-Pizza, Valtakatu 4.  +358 2 821 2161.
  • 4  Snack House, Valtakatu 9-11.  +358 2 8226 336. Also servers steaks and pasta.
  • 5  Eti Kebab & Pizzeria, Nortamonkatu 16.  +358 2 824 1719.
  • 6  Damla, Syväraumankatu 5A.  +358 2 823 3163. 🕑 Mo-Sa 10:30-22:00, Su 10:30-22:00.
  • 7  Kebab Kioski, Nortamonkatu 18.  +358 2 822 9459.
  • 8  Jubu-Pizza.  +358 2 533 6121. Rauma's youngest pizzeria

Правый берег

14  Этот объект входит в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКОTurku Castle1 (Turun linna1)Статья в ВикипедииЭлемент Викиданных, Linnankatu 801 (near the harbour, bus 1).  +358 2 262-0300,  1. 🕑 Daily 10AM–6PM; reduced hours and closed Mon in Oct–Mar low season. €8, optional guided tour €2. 111A must for everyone visiting the city, Turku castle is one of Finland's most popular tourist attractions. The castle, which used to house Swedish royalty, is the largest castle in Finland, and dates back to end of the 13th century. It has been carefully renovated and now it houses also a large museum, which demonstrates the history of the Turku region from prehistory to present day with its frequent exhibitions, events and furnished style rooms. Highlights include the two dungeons and magnificent banquet halls as well as toy and game exhibitions aimed at children. Tours of the stronghold are given hourly in English during high season and they give a good account of the castle's history.
15  Pharmacy Museum and Qwensel House (Apteekkimuseo), Läntinen Rantakatu 13.  +358 2 262-0280. 🕑 2 May–31 Aug, Tue–Sun 10AM–6PM, 29 Nov–30 Dec, Tue–Sun 10AM–4PM. Adults €4.50, Children (3 to 17) €3, under 3 year olds for free, Family admission (2+2) €9.50. The Qwensel House is the oldest bourgeois housing from the autarchic times that has survived in its entirety in Turku. The house was built approximately in the year 1700 to an area that was reserved for the nobility in the city plan put up by Count Per Brahe the Younger. A pharmacy from the 19th century has been furnished in the shop wing of the building. The pharmacy has a material room and a herb room, two laboratories and an office. The office has the oldest surviving pharmacy interior in Finland. The exhibition wing of the building has an extensive collection of pharmacy utensils on display. There is also a pharmaceutical research laboratory and pharmacy history exhibition in the wing. In addition to the main exhibitions, there are also varying smaller exhibitions and events held at the museum every year. The former stable, outhouse and barn are located at the northern end of the baker wing of the building. The Pipping family used to have an orchard by the Linnankatu Street. The cafeteria, located in the Pharmacy Museum's inner courtyard, is a charming spot of old milieu in the heart of the city. During the summer there are chickens and roosters in the yard and you can really feel you have travelled back in time. The café serves home-made pastries prepared according to recipes from the 18th century. The two chambers, are located in the wing that was housed by the building's owners in the 18th century. The chambers have been furnished in 18th century fashion. The same wing used to have a kitchen, a chamber, maid's chamber, a shed, a carriage shed and an granary according to fire insurance documents from 1791.
16  Turku City Office, Kristiinankatu 1.
17  St Michael's Church (Mikaelinkirkko), Puistokatu 16.  +358 2 261-7110, факс: +358 2 261-7112. 🕑 Open in summer (Jun-Aug) Mon-Fri 10AM–6PM, Sat 10AM–1PM, Sun 11AM–1PM. Free. The western skyline of the city of Turku is dominated by Michael's Church which was consecrated in 1905. It was designed by Professor Lars Sonck. When he won the competition for the church in 1894, Sonck was only a 23-year old architectural student. Michael's church is a distinguished example of the neogothic style in architecture. It is a long church with three aisles, galleries and a multifaceted choir. In addition to the main entrance there are also doors at each corner of the church. The sacristy is situated behind the choir. The main spire rises to a height of 77 meters from the foundations. Many locals favour it as a wedding Church.
18  Orthodox Church (Church of the Holy Martyr Empress Alexandra), Yliopistonkatu 19.  +358 2 277-5443. Main church of the Turku orthodox parish is located on the north side of the Market Square. The church was built by the plans of architect Carl Ludvig Engel and was ordered by Czar Nicholas I of Russia on 5 January 1838. Construction, which began in 1839, cost 67,886 rubles and was completed in 1845. The church was consecrated on 2 September 1845. The church was dedicated to Alexandra, the spouse of Diocletian who had publicly became Christian and thus suffered a martyr’s death on 23 April 303. Most of the icons of the iconostasis have been made in Valaam Monastery
19  Церковь Бетел (Betel-kirkko), Yliopistonkatu 29a.
20  Turku Main Library, Linnankatu 2.
21  Статуя дружбы между Ленинаградом и Турку 1969.
22  Здание газеты Turun Sanomat, Kauppiaskatu 5.
23  Turku Art Museum.
24  Forum Marinum, Linnankatu 72 (Just after the guest harbor when going downstream towards Turku Castle, you can't miss it.).  +358 2 267-9511, факс: +358 2 267-9515. 🕑 wintertime: Tue–Sun 11–18, summertime: Mon–Sun 11–19. €6/4/– for the museum; €16/10/– for the museum and all ships (wintertime 9,50/6 €/–, not all ships), ship tickets also individually. The Forum Marinum Maritime Centre is a lively and versatile centre for maritime activities, comprising a national special maritime museum, and the Finnish Navy Museum. There are temporary exhibitions and a very interesting boat and ship collection: two tall sail ships, Suomen Joutsen (Swan of Finland) [dead link] and Sigyn [dead link], four naval ships and several smaller vessels, ranging from a steam harbour tugboat to a police boat. The museum ships are open during the summer months only, while the exhibitions are open throughout the year. 2015 the main exhibition is about submarine building in Turku in cooperation with pre-WW II Germany. The museum also houses a Café Restaurant called Daphne, which serves café delicacies and a tasty, varied buffet lunch. The Museum Shop offers maritime gifts and other articles, literature and high-quality textiles.

Левый берег

25  Inn 22, Vanha Littoistentie 22.
26  McDonalds, Aninkaistenkatu 15.
27  Turku Cathedral.  +358 2 261-7100. 🕑 daily 9–18; note services and other events; main services Sun 10:00 in Finnish, 12:00 in Swedish, 14:30 in German and 16:00 in English. Free. Museum upstairs is €2/1/1. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary and Finland’s first bishop, St Henry, Turku Cathedral, situated on the hillock of Unikankare, is Finland’s National Sanctuary. It was consecrated in 1300 and is considered to be Finland’s most valuable historical monument as well as the mother church of the Lutheran Church of Finland. It is familiar, even dear to practically every Finn. Its bells chime at noon over the radio throughout Finland, and they also proclaim the Christmas peace to the country. Every part of the cathedral reflects the details of Finland and Turku's history; Resting under the protection of the arches are bishops and captains of war as well as one queen, Catherine Månsdotter of Sweden. South gallery of the cathedral houses a museum, which takes you on a journey through history from the early 1300s. Displayed in the museum, among other things, are sculptures of saints as well as church silverware from the Catholic era. Tours run 9AM to 7PM during mid September to mid April and 9AM to 8PM mid April to mid September.
28  Old Great Square (Vanha Suurtori), Vanha Suurtori 7 (across the parks by Turku Cathedral).  +358 2 262-0961.
29  Luostarinmäki (Cloister Hill), Vartiovuorenkatu 2.  +358 2 262-0350. €6/4/4, family €15.50. In 1827 a fire destroyed almost all of Turku. The Luostarinmäki area (then a quite poor area in the outskirts of the town) was the only larger part of the city that was saved. Now the area is preserved and it houses the Luostarinmäki Handicrafts Museum (Käsityöläismuseo), an outdoor museum with charming late 18th century wooden house quarters. All the buildings are in their original places, which is extremely rare in an outdoor museum. Over thirty workshops from different fields of craftsmanship display the City's handicrafts history and old dwellings. During the summer season, the museum's workshops have craftsmen working there every day. The museum's shops, postal office and cafeteria serve customers round the year. The highlight of the year are the Handicrafts Days in August. During the days, masters of different professions, i.e. Golden Apple Guild masters and apprentices get together and their products are sold in the museum's shops.
30  Martin's Church (Martinkirkko), Huovinkatu.  +358 2 261-7120. 🕑 Open by agreement. Service in Finnish on Sundays at 10AM. Free. Martin's parish was founded in 1921 after which the parish council decided to build a church of its own. The church was consecrated on the 450th anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther, on the 12 of November 1933. The designers of the church were the architects Totti Sora and Gunnar Wahlroos. The church represents architechtual functionalism. Martin's church is a long church with three aisles with very narrow side aisles. The church has a functional and singular practicality of its own. The barrel-vaulting of the roof is one of the most outstanding features of the church. The whole altar wall is covered with an "al secco" painting of the Saviour nailed to the cross at Golgatha. This massive work is 15 meters high and 9.5 meters in breadth. At the time of painting this was the largest painting of its type in the whole of Scandinavia.
31  St Catherine's Church (Pyhän Katariinan kirkko), Kirkkotie 46.  +358 2 261-7130. 🕑 Open by agreement. In summertime (Jun–Aug) Mon–Fri 10AM–4PM. Free. St Catherine's Church represents old medieval church building tradition. Although it once was completely destroyed and has undergone several renovations, it has preserved something of its original appearance and retains the basic plan of a medieval Finnish church.
32  St Mary's Church (Maarian kirkko), Maunu Tavastinkatu 2.  +358 2 261-7140. 🕑 Open in summertime Jun–Aug) Mon–Fri 12PM–5PM. In wintertime open by agreement. Service in Finnish on Sundays at 10AM. Free. According to folk tradition, St Mary's Church was built at a place where sacrifices had been performed in heathen times, in the village of Räntämäki. It had also been the site of the village burial ground and a place of assembly. The village of Räntämäki was renamed after the patron saint of the Church, St Mary, and in the records it is sometimes referred to as the parish of Räntämäki, sometimes as St Mary's. The church took the name of St Mary from the nearby episcopal church of Koroinen, its original patron saint having been the first Bishop of Paris, Saint Dionysios.
33  Свиноутка (Posankka).


9  Arvin Grilli ja Lounas, Nosturinkatu 5. 🕑 Mon–Fri 6:00–15:00 (lunch 10:00–13:30). Lunch €6,5, soup lunch €5 including salad, bread, milk and coffee. Great price quality relation.
10  Hesburger. 🕑 Open from early morning to dusk, some of them even round the clock. Around €5 to 10€. Just ask any of the locals: Hesburger burgers really do taste better! Originating from Turku, Hesburger is today the largest hamburger restaurant chain in Finland, surpassing such chains as McDonald's and Burger King. It is still run by the family that started it in the 1960's. It is especially popular in Turku, since the company is still based there and has a large number of restaurants scattered around the city. Its almost hard not to pass one when walking around the city centre. You'll find four Hesburgers just around the main Market Square area.
11  Rax BuffetЭлемент Викиданных, Aurakatu 12.  +358 20-766-4911. 🕑 Mon–Sat 11AM–9PM, Sun Noon–7PM. Rax offers an all you can eat style buffet that includes Pizza, barbecue food, salads, ice cream and soft-drinks. Good option if you feel like really filling your stomach for a long time inexpensively.